1 Page Improvement Plan
This one page document gives you clear vision, which in turn will help you stay focused towards whatever it is you truly want.
Weekly Schedule
For most people, it's important to stick to a schedule. It will help with staying on task and accomplishing your daily goals.
Resume Template
There are many different resume styles but its important to have a resume that includes the necessities. This template shows just that.
Contact Sheet
Networking is one of the most important aspects of becoming successful. This document will help you keep your network organized.
Daily Improvement Checklist
Keep yourself accountable with this document. Put a task at the top then check each time a task is complete. Ex. "Workout" or "Make Bed"
Budget (For Beginners)
This budget will help you begin the journey towards financial intelligence, which is possibly the most important tool successful people have.
Personality Test
The HEXACO personality test will help you find your personality type.
Its essential to understand yourself before you can understand others.
Its essential to understand yourself before you can understand others.